
Elizabeth Record PT, DPT Michael Gillespie PT, DPT Clara Moon PT, DPT

Meet Liz

Elizabeth Record, owner of Ascent Phys­ical Ther­apy, re­ceived her Doc­torate in Phys­ical Ther­apy in 2013 from Texas State Uni­ver­sity, San Marcos. She also earned a Mas­ters of Sport Man­age­ment from the Uni­ver­sity of San Fran­cisco in 2007 and a BS in Man­age­ment Science from UC San Diego in 2005. With over 20 years exper­ience work­ing with ath­letes and fit­ness cli­ents, Liz enjoys help­ing pa­tients from all walks of life achieve their move­ment and func­tional goals.

Prior to work­ing at Ascent, Liz was the Assist­ant Coach for the UCSD Women's Row­ing Team from 2005–2009 where her team earned back-to-back NCAA Na­tion­al Run­ner's-Up per­for­mances in 2007 and 2008. After mov­ing to Austin she worked at the Austin Rowing Club as a mas­ters coach from 2009–2013. Not sat­is­fied with one Austin sport, Liz was a mem­ber and train­er of TXRD banked track roller derby from 2013–2015. She now enjoys ad­ven­ture rac­ing, hik­ing all the trails she can find, and try­ing new res­tau­rants and food trucks around Austin. [ ]

Meet Mike

Michael Gillespie received his Doc­tor­ate in Phys­ical Ther­apy in 2012, and a Bach­elor's degree in Exer­cise Sports Science in 2008 from Texas State Uni­ver­sity, San Marcos. He be­came a cer­ti­fied per­son­al train­er in 2002 through the IFPA. With over 20 years of exper­ience assist­ing all walks of life to achieve phys­ical excel­lence, he is dedi­cated to bring­ing your best foot for­ward.

Michael enjoys spend­ing time with his fam­ily, coach­ing his child­ren in Judo, power­lift­ing, run­ning, fish­ing, art, music, and cars. In 2001 he earned a degree from Ari­zona Auto­mo­tive Insti­tute and became a cer­ti­fied Auto­motive Mech­anic. [ ]

Meet Clara

Clara Moon is from Lou­isi­ana and grad­u­ated with her Bach­elor's in Kine­si­ol­ogy from the Uni­vers­ity of Lou­isi­ana at Mon­roe in 2019. While in col­lege, she cheered, danced, and com­pet­ed in Cross­Fit to stay busy. In 2022, she com­plet­ed her Doc­tor­ate of Phys­ical Ther­apy from the Uni­ver­sity of St. Au­gus­tine in Miami.

Fol­low­ing her own per­son­al jour­ney through phys­ical ther­apy, Clara has found even more pas­sion for in­jury pre­ven­tion and re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion. She be­lieves that phys­ical ther­apy is vi­tal in the ho­lis­tic care of the hu­man body and is the great­est al­ter­na­tive to med­ic­a­tion pre­scrip­tion.

Her ex­per­i­ence in­cludes pel­vic floor and out­pa­tient or­tho­pe­dic phys­ical ther­apy. Aside from phys­ical ther­apy, she also en­joys tri­ath­lon train­ing, Olym­pic weight­lift­ing, read­ing, wine tast­ing, learn­ing about his­tory, and tak­ing her dog, Kingsley, to new cof­fee shops. [ ]

Meet Bas

Basimma Hammonds
sees pa­tients as Re­claim Phys­ical Ther­apy with­in the As­cent clin­ic. To sched­ule a ses­sion with Basimma, please con­tact her di­rect­ly (below).

Basimma has been a prac­tic­ing phys­ical ther­apist since 2003. She is a Fellow of the Amer­ican Acad­emy of Ortho­paedic Manual Physical Therapists. She received a Masters of Science in Phys­ical Ther­apy from Texas State Uni­ver­sity and a Bach­elor of Arts degree in Psy­cho­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Texas at Austin, as well as an Asso­ciates degree as a Phys­ical Ther­apy Assist­ant. She has taught acad­emic courses in physical ther­apy while also serv­ing as an out­patient phys­ical ther­apist at several clinics through­out Austin. In 2016, she opened Reclaim Physical Therapy to better serve patients in a one-on-one, person­al­ized set­ting. Basimma is also cert­ified in Person­al­ized blood flow restric­tion (Strength) train­ing.�

(512) 596-5056 [ ]